Why go?
This morning in our worship service we sang a very uplifting song. Some of the words are:
Use my hands & use my feet,
To make Your Kingdom come.
To the corners of the earth
Until Your work is done.
'Cause faith without works is dead,
And on the cross, Your blood was shed,
So how could we not give it away so freely?
And I'll...
follow You into the homes of the broken,
I'll follow You into the world.
meet the needs for the poor and the needy, God,
I'll follow You into the world.
It's a fun and easy song to sing, but one that is hard to live if you really stop to consider what it's saying. The rich young ruler was faced with a challenge by Jesus - sell your stuff, give it to the poor, and come follow Him. We know that didn't end well for the poor young ruler as he walked away sad.
When called, we have the choice to join Jesus in His work in Uganda. He doesn't call everyone because He has unique work for each one of us. Be it here in Canby, Oregon or in Kacungwa, Uganda on the other side of the world, the pivotal point is obedience and how we choose to respond.
Jesus doesn't call on us to go into the world to have pity on the poor, but to help. He didn't call on us to sit in our easy chairs and write a check. He told us to go. And do.
Personally, I can say that my life is not the same after going to Uganda. My faith is stronger. I have seen and experienced things that I would not have seen any other way. I have been taught by the faith of the amazing people I've met in Uganda. I was humbled by the generosity of people who seemingly have nothing, but happily give away the last food on their table.
Why do we go? We go because we're called and don't want to walk away sad for not following Jesus into the world. God has knit our hearts to our friends in Uganda.
Stay tuned - we're leaving in just a few days! Our entire team covets your prayers. The Holy Spirit is working ahead of us to increase His Kingdom and we want to follow Him into the world...
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